I'M IN (to the game). If only I could take a look little bit to the future just to know whether i'm gonna regret this or not. Just for my reference. But that's cheating the life. I don't like it. But I can't help to think about it. Bukannya nggak bersyukur , it's just that i'm being too be overwhelmed with these whole things. So when it showed up like what every person's i could ever think of prediction. I'm fueled with expectations, and i'm suddenly sick of it when it came true. I don't know, I just don't feel it right. Why does it so? What I don't really like... The city. I born and grew here. It just I don't really feel that I suitable enough with the atmosphere. I want this city become my hometown, a place I could go home from hectic situation, busyness, exhausted feeling. If I spent my time here, with all my suffering, where will i come home? When I see all the things that make me stressed is around. (Point 1). Another ...
Movies. Books. Foods. Life. Of Me.