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Showing posts from July, 2010

Le Petit Prince

Pangeran Kecil Judul : The Little Prince (Woodsworth Classic Series) Pengarang : Antoine de Saint Exupery Tebal : 109 halaman Penerbit : Woodsworth Publishing The Little Prince adalah sebuah karya dongeng klasik untuk anak-anak dan juga orang dewasa. Di satu sisi adalah cerita mengenai seorang pilot yang terdampar di gurun yang bertemu dengan seorang anak laki-laki dari planet lain, si Pangeran Kecil. Di sisi lain, buku ini berkisah mengenai pemikiran alegori dari kondisi manusia saat buku tersebut saat itu. Sampai sekarang kalau kata saya. Pertama dipublikasikan tahun 1943, setahun sebelum kematian sang empunya buku, buku ini disertai dengan ilustrasi yang indah dari Saint Exupery. Cerita ini mengambil sudut pandang si orang dewasa, seorang pilot yang menceritakan mengenai pertemuannya dengan seorang pangeran kecil dari luar angkasa beserta cerita-ceritanya mengarungi planet antar galaksi. Sang pencerita memulai ceritanya dengan pengalamannya ketika berumur enam tahun. s...

INCEPTION ~dalam pikiran saya~ part 2

SPOILER ALERT!!! SPOILER ALERT!!! SPOILER ALERT!!! EDAN! Ternyata, semalem itu tidak cukup untuk merampungkan super-spoiler yang saya buat, ini saya buat pagi ini setelah semalam mabok dengan bagian pertamanya... Panjang banget cuy! Mungkin ini , adalah review terpanjang yang pernah saya buat. Benar nggak ? And now, it's time for my approbation to this movie. 1st of all, I dedicated myself to be now as one of the Christopher Nolan's fan! Yaaaayyyy! * plok!plok!plok! * INCEPTION Pemain :  Leonardo Dicaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy,  Sutradara :  Christopher Nolan,  Penulis :  Christopher Nolan. Nah, terlalu banyak yang bisa dipuji, saya bingung mau mulai dari mananya. So, bagaimana kalau kita mulai dari awal cerita. Oke?

INCEPTION ~dalam pikiran saya~ part 1

SPOILER ALERT!!! SPOILER ALERT!!! SPOILER ALERT!!! * tadinya mau buat versi bahasa inggris, tapi kayaknya otak saya lagi tidak mau bekerja dobel untuk mengarang dan menterjemahkan, karena sesungguhnya tadi sore waktu saya nonton film ini, saya sama sekali tidak membaca teksnya tapi mendengarkan percakapannya supaya mata saya fokus sama gambar. Dan itu terjadi secara otomatis, otak saya menganggap teks film tadi sebagai gangguan. :tepokjidat : * INCEPTION Pemain :  Leonardo Dicaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy Sutradara :  Christopher Nolan Penulis :  Christopher Nolan  Look A Like with Joker's right? Mula-mula saya melihat film ini di majalah sinema favorit saya sebagai salah satu film layak ditunggu tahun ini. Menurut saya, film ini salah satu wajib tonton tahun ini.  Film ini mengisahkan tentang mimpi . Mimpi saat kita tertidur, mimpi yang terkons...


Oke. Nampaknya harus segera tidur. Kadar oksigen berkurang sampai setengahnya. Barusan berbalas komen sama sobat yang sudah jatuh bangun di sofanya. Dan baru ingat. Besok mau ng-INCEPTION. 5 watt. Mayday!Mayday!Mayday! *dark*

Dan Saya Belum Tidur-Tidur Juga

Nyaplok dari blog sebelah... Karena saya belum tidur dengan mata saya yang sudah agak kabur namun otak masih bekerja, saya menemukan bacaan. Dan kata saya ini keren . Numpang ng-repost ya mas-mas yang punya tulisan.... Matur Nuwun Sanget... " Atheis  June 13th, 2008 Kemarin lusa, malam, aku nginep di kantor. Naldo juga. Dan kami sampai jam 3 pagi, bersama si bos yang punya kantor, terlibat obrolan sengit tentang agama-agama Ibrahim, Israel, dan atheisme. Obrolannya sebenarnya nggak bermutu, sih. Nggak sehat buat kalo ada cewek di situ yang kebeneran ikutan ndengerin. Tapi ada 1 quote dari Naldo yang buat aku itu sangat inspiratif, meskipun mungkin agak menohok mereka-mereka yang tidak percaya dengan keberadaan Tuhan: “Buat gue, kita ini lebih gentle daripada atheis. Ketika kita memutuskan untuk beragama, artinya kita siap untuk suatu saat mempertanyakan peran dan kebijakan-kebijakan Tuhan, kehendak bebas kita, sampai ke kenapa cuma Israel yang disebut sebagai bangsa ...

Hari Ini Saya....

Hari ini saya banyak membaca. Bangun siang, lagi gak wajib beribadah soalnya, handphone bergetar. Percayalah, saya bangun bukan karena handphonenya, tapi karena radio, yang hidup dari semalam * boros kali sama listrik! *, menyiarkan radio play 3CINTA dari PramborsFM . Baca sms. "Kak, aku sampe klinik jam9." Liat jam, 8.30. Tetep aja dia duluan yang sampe klinik . Siap-siap, mandi, ganti, go-cau ke klinik. Di klinik periksa pasien seperti biasa . Pulang klinik. Hujan. Makan siang di kantin BioFarma. Menu: nasi sop buntut. Alasan : melihat mbak-mbak pramuniaganya bawa sop buntut yang tampak lezat di siang yang gerimis. Perjalanan berlanjut. Saya menemani partner saya beli hadiah untuk keponakannya yang baru saja lahir. Dua jumper lucu dibungkus. Kemudian kami berpisah. Saya meneruskan rencana yang sudah disusun dari hari Minggu kemarin. Nonton bioskop. Sendirian. Lagi. * yang mana saya rasakan sangat-sangat-menyenangkan * Memilih jalur melewati toko buku kesayanga...

Di Klinik Hari Ini

Hari ini saya jaga di Klinik Memori Poli Saraf RSHS. Seperti biasa. Datang, agak siang. (soalnya kalau kepagian banyak bengong nunggu pasien.) Lalu, menunggu pasien ternyata sudah ada pasien datang, dua keluarga. Pasien kontrol. Yang artinya. Kemudian, menunggu pasien (baru) lain yang sekiranya butuh untuk  diperiksa. Sambil membaca (dan mengobrol dengan partner saya). Kemudian, ditanyain soal dokternya sama pasien yang sedang menunggu. "Dokternya kemana ya neng? Lama pisan..." *nah lho!* Kemudian, "Hai! Ini kenapa bengong?" masuklah sesosok pria tinggi putih rambut agak jabrik dan wajah yang terlihat sangat segar mengenakan jas putih dan ransel coklat. Usianya kira-kira 40 50 tahun, walaupun terlihat lebih muda dari itu. *percaya atau nggak, ini adalah kejadian tiap kali si dokter masuk ke ruang klinik* Lalu, terjadilah konsultasi sebentar mengenai pasien kontrol yang datang, blah blah blah dan sang dokter pindah ke ruang sebelah. Saya melanjutkan membac...

Review: A Book About Books

Title: Bibbi Bokkens Magische Bibliothek [Perpustakaan Ajaib Bibbi Bokken] Author: Jostein Gaarder & Klaus Hagerup Tebal: 294 halaman Penerbit: Mizan Resensi dari balik buku Pembaca yang baik. Buku di tangan Anda ini benar-benar unik. Susah menggambarkan isinya, tapi kira-kira seperti ini: Dua saudara sepupu, Berit dan Nils, tinggal di kota yang berbeda. Untuk berhubungan, kedua remaja ini membuat sebuah buku-surat yang mereka tulisi dan saling kirimkan di antara mereka. Anehnya ada seorang wanita misterius, Bibbi Bokken, yang mengincar buku-surat itu. Bersama komplotannya, tampaknya Bibbi menjalankan sebuah rencana rahasia atas  diri Berit dan Nils. Rencana itu berhubungan dengan sebuah perpustakaan ajaib dan konspirasi dalam dunia perbukuan. Berit dan Nils tidak gentar, bahkan bertekad mengungkap misteri ini dan menemukan Perpustakaan Ajaib Bibbi Bokken. Tetapi buku ini tidak sesederhana itu, buku ini juga berisi cerita detektif, cerita misteri, perburuan harta karun, petual...

Things I Love from GLEE

From the previous post , I have talked about GLEE. Now I want to talk about Things I Love From GLEE. Lets count it down! 4.The Whole Package Walaupun banyak yang bilang kalau ini ceritanya biasa, saya bilang lumayan bagus. Script writernya sukses meramu lagu dan cerita menjadi satu dan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan. Sutradaranya bisa mengarahkan para pemain untuk berekspresi dan berakting dengan total. Pemainnya juga punya suara yang sangaaaaat indah, terutama Lea Michele dan Amber Railey *hayoooo...siapa nama tokoh mereka disini?* Dan tentu saja Ryan Murphy, yang punya duit dan yang punya film. Serial yang dibuatnya semua laku keras dan saya suka, misalnya POPULAR, pasti pada tau kan??? 3.Sue Sylvester  Pasti yang baca merasa anaeh kenapa saya suka sama karakter ini. Karakter antagonis yang bisa buat penonton mencak-mencak marah-marah. Yap! Saya suka dengan karakternya yang unik, licik, picik, dedemit, apalah itu... Tapi sebenarnya dia memegang peran penting di seri...

A Lovely Song from Singer with My Name.

I mean, the singer has the same name with mine. It's quite make me proud, ha ha! I heard it in last episode of GLEE. And from the very start I hear this song, I felt something deep behind the song. And I cried. The song talks about how we should thank to people we adore and have help us to a better person. Now, the song will stay in my playlist for this two months or more. It's such a beautiful song. Enjoy... =D  Lulu - To Sir With Love Lyrics   Album: Best Of-From Crayons To Perfume Those schoolgirl days, of telling tales and biting nails are gone,  But in my mind, I know they will still live on and on,  But how do you thank someone,  who has taken you from crayons to perfume?  It isn't easy, but I'll try,   If you wanted the sky  I would write across the sky in letters,  That would soar a thousand feet high,  To Sir, with Love   The time has come,  For closing books and long last looks must end,  A...

Being Glee

I want to write something about this serial named GLEE. Do you know about it? F rom Ryan Murphy, the creator of “Nip/Tuck” and “Popular,” comes GLEE, a one-hour musical comedy that follows an optimistic high school teacher as he tries to transform the school’s Glee Club and inspire a group of ragtag performers to make it to the biggest competition of them all: Nationals. McKinley High School’s Glee Club used to be at the top of the show choir world, but years later, a series of scandals have turned it into a haven for misfits and social outcasts. WILL SCHUESTER (Matthew Morrison, Broadway’s “Hairspray”), a young optimistic teacher, has offered to take on the Herculean task of restoring McKinley’s Glee Club to its former glory with the help of fellow teacher EMMA PILLSBURY (Jayma Mays, “Ugly Betty”). It’s a tall order when the brightest stars of the pitch-imperfect club include KURT (Chris Colfer), a nerdy soprano with a flair for the dramatic; MERCEDES (Amber Riley), a dynamic d...

An Advanced From This

An Advanced From This As I thought so. Ada yang meminta maaf dari tulisan yang saya buat kemarin. Padahal itu kemarin cuma mengeluarkan unek-unek saja lho yang sudah lama disimpan. Hal itu membuat saya tersenyum. Saya senang, karena teman saya itu ternyata memperhatikan perasaan saya. Wow! I'm honoured! Sekali lagi, saya bukan tidak suka mendengarkan kalian, teman-teman perempuan saya. Saya terkadang tidak suka pembicaraan semacam itu. Dan percakapan yang saya maksud itu berbeda dengan percakapan ketika kalian curhat mengenai cowok yang kalian sukai. Dimana tidak ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang agak 'mengganggu' diri saya sendiri yang sudah saya sebutkan sebelumnya. Seperti yang kalian tahu, saya pun sangaaaaat suka bercerita mengenai cowok yang sedang menarik minat saya. Nah, lho! Yang kedua yang tidak saya suka adalah ketika pembicaraan macam ini dilakukan, terkadang muncul perasaan bahwa ada kaitan yang hilang ( missing links ), lalu muncul begitu saja tanpa saya...

Summer's Tail ~A heartwarming movie for Rainy Days~

Year : 2007 Director : Cheng Wen-Tang Producer : Cheng Wen-Tang, Tsui Siu-Ming Writer : Enno (Cheng I-Nung), Cheng Wen-Tang, Jan Fu-Wha, Lu Yi-Ching Cast : Bryant Chang, Enno, Hannah Lin, Dean Fujioka The Skinny : Relaxing and pleasant, if not actually that substantial. This Taiwanese youth film is pretty to look at, and has a satisfying, picturesque feel that disguises its pedestrian aims and unoriginal concepts rather well. Star-writer-director's daughter Enno is a refreshing new talent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preview (and My Review): Jimmy is a smart student with a problem: he had an affair with his teacher, but she's since called it off, leading to a continued surly attitude that distracts other students, not to mention teachers who look down on those sorts of student-teacher shenanigans. Meanwhile, Japanese exchange student Akira spends his time kicking a soccer ball into the side of a cargo contai...

Sad Feeling

As I said in the last entry, I just came home from my hometown for a week. I had some business to do there, something with my unemployment status. Ha ha! That's not what I want to talk about here. Before I went to the bus, I had fight with my mom. It was an argue, not really a fight. I know I was wrong, but I think she said horrible things too. And I couldn't accept that. And I thought that I'm just like her for having this perverseness. And last Friday, last evening Friday, is the most quiet day of the week. I didn't talk to her for the rest evening. Just two-three words. I like to cry now, but my tears won't come out. This is totally wrong. I'm so sorry, I didn't intend to yell at you. I just felt a little upset when people kept questioning me with the same questions over and over again. You know that for sure, mom. Love you Mom. You know that.

A thing about Girl-Friendship-Things

Satu minggu kemarin saya ada di rumah dan mengalami perbincangan yang cukup intens dengan satu orang kawan lama via YM-chat. Cewek. Bisa dibilang kawan dekat. I used to close enough, maybe untill these days. I guess. And I have this conversation with her. We talked about this boy. An old friend of ours. I used to have some talks with this boy. And now days, this girl, friend of mine, is having a little intense of chit chat with him. Dia bertanya kepada saya seberapa dekatkah kami, saya dan cowok itu. Dia mendengar kabar kalau cowok itu lumayan sering cerita-cerita sama saya. Saya bilang aja, iya. Jaman dulu waktu masih insomnia waktu jaman-jaman perjuangan SkripSweet. And voila, She started to ask me questions about him. Is he a nice person? Is he have something interest with you? What does he likes to do? What story he told you? Blah blah blah... And I have to recognize something. A part of pattern of girl-friendship-things. Girls always seek about others girls who close enough...

About the Language

My friends keep ask me to write in Bahasa. I write stuffs in English and it always a long note one. So, maybe I will talk in Bahasa too! Hope the writes will keep you all happy to read!

Aliens in the Attic

Another movie been watched that use ATTIC in one of its important scene. In the afternoon I watched Toy Story 3, and in the night I watched my films collection, Aliens in the Attic. Maybe this isn’t a box office one. But I guarantee that you will like it. The movie is a little bit ‘crunchy’, but the whole point of movie is good. The story told about Tom, brainniac, brain-maniac kid who failed in the entire test in his school. His parent got angry when they knew Tom could hack the school website to change his mark while he was failing his test. Tom was asking for punishment when his dad decided that he should go to the family vacation. So the interesting part of the movie is begun. On the villa they rented, two families, cousins met cousins, not so interesting fishing plan, and aliens. This movie was entertaining for ended up your day. Full of jokes and common things we saw in commercial breaks, like Xbox, Wii, even the MentosCola things. And the aliens were ‘cute’, not too fascinating ...

An Epic Story of Toys

Hulla guys! It’s another day of my writing post. I wrote so many things, and uploaded it in one time. I don’t get so much intense to internet connection. So far, I just check on my FB’s notifications and set words up for my Plurks in order to keep my karma not going down. Today, or in this note, I’m gonna tell you about my (point of) review of TOY STORY 3 movie. Who had watched it? I did, by myself, again, and finally! :D When I heard about it first, I thought how would the story began in third movie, what conflicts are arisen? I can’t wait for it, I love Disney’s, and I love Woody. What would happen to the toys in the third movie? I made promise to myself I’ll watch this movie as soon as it appears in the cinema. Reality is pain *LoL*, I watched it just before. In its fourth week! Iro-Iro da yo! Many things happened. I just said to myself for being patient to have a right time to go to cinemas. I always kept in mind that I’m not gonna to sorry or pitying myself if I didn’t watch it at...

Short Mysteries Ep.1

Hi, guys! Since it's a holiday, I want to challenge you in a mystery game. I took the case from Two-Minutes Mysteries from Donald. J.Sobol.It's only need two minutes to solve it! Hope you will enjoy it! So, who the fastest to find the mystery key, and of course the answer! Arctic Explorer. Sir James Harvey, aged bachelor and famed explorer of the North Pole, was found murdered in his bedroom. The $400.000 in thousand-dollar bills, which he was known to keep in his wall safe, was missing. The police concluded that the criminal or criminals had concealed the money in the house, perhaps something brought along for the purpose, expecting to recover it later. This surmise was founded upon Sir James' eccentric precautions. A visitor might gain admission to his estate unchallenged by a series of private guards. On the day Sir James' possessions were put on auction, Dr. Haledjian joined Sherrif Monahan in the explorer's museum. "The sale starts in here," said the ...

Eclipse –it’s an eclipsed really!

Twilight Saga – Eclipse Movie A Review It’s summer now. It’s time for going to cinema because there are so many great films in summer. Besides summer, winter it’s another right time for watching great movies. Just like as last summer, this summer of 2010 many production houses prepare films that will make their pocket full of money. I myself have prepared to empty my pocket because I wrote s list containing movies I want to see this year. Including this one I want to talk about, Eclipse. This movie series is really a phenomenon from the first movie. It has usual story with unusual scenario from the books, handsome guys, not so pretty heroine that makes girl fans hate her (LoL), and a lot of romantic scene. Who don’t want to have such imagining relationship like Bella-Edward? I bet there are so many girls out there who would die for him! :D Even Bram Stocker’s Dracula (Is it right?) was so phenomenal at his time. Eclipse is an eclipsed movie, just like its title. I said before that I wa...

Plans for The Fussythoughts

I have so many scripts that are waiting to be written and published. I'll let you have the sneak peak. I'll write and talk about : 1. Love 2. Clinic duties 3. Some mystery to solve It's all on schedule now. LoL Be patient okay? Even though I know that no one is reading this blog. =D Read Happily All!

Enjoying Self

Like I said before, I prefer fewer crowds now. If you ask how many crowd? I could say, less than 10 people. *booooo....* I got this message from my friend for scheduling time for Ramadhan gathering of my High School Classmates. I don't feel that I have to give my schedule to them. I don't want to be so chatty on those day forward. I'm enjoying myself now. I enjoy to watch movie alone. I enjoy to have meals alone. I enjoy to have window shopping alone. I enjoy to read books alone (of course I do! This is my autistic phase!) I enjoy to observe peoples when talk to them. I enjoy all my feelings that come from peoples around me, and their feeling that come out from them self. Sometimes I absorb it accidentally. If it's a positive one, i will be okay, and it will occur vice versa with negative feelings. It makes me feeling a bad mood also. LoL But I do like conversation with strangers, e.g. in my clinic duties today. I met few peoples, I don't really know t...

It’s a holiday (?) for me.

Hello folks! It’s a holiday season! Bandung is full of peoples. I don’t like it where there are so many people here. It’s crowded. I’m not kind of person that like crowd very much. I love for being with my friends. But not so these crowd. I used to like crowd. But I prefer fewer crowds now. These two days I spent my time mostly watching movies. DVDs, cinemas, and dramas on television (I don’t know how to spell ‘sinetron’ in English) accompanied me. I watched 3 cartoon movies in DVDs at Sunday. They were Nine, Astro Boy, and Tales from the Earth Sea. Two cinemas alone at Monday; Knight and Day and Eclipse. I still haven’t watched Toy Story 3. Who does think I’m weird because I went to cinema alone? Raise your hand, don’t be afraid! (What do they should afraid of about?! krik…krik…krik…) =P And I kind like it for being alone. I used to be can’t stand alone. Another change, yes! I seldom wake up late in the morning but I never miss radio play of Prambors FM, 3 Cinta. I’ll tell you...

Is it a failure?

I got some news, I failed the post-graduate test! I was predicting exactly the same thing. But somehow deep in my heart, I regret. This isn't about I'm not getting my post-grade now, but it's failing test that makes me feel bad. Wow! I don't like this kind of feeling when I fail. I feel like a looser. I need some time to deal with the failure. I think, everybody must needs some time to deal with failure or failures. This day will be a bad day for me. I should have my hair cut today, not yesterday. LoL. Or i Shall have it cut again? Maybe it's caused by myself. I wasn't study hard for the exam. Maybe I shall do something else before I get into the university. Maybe it's not the right time. Not for me. Or... Maybe i'm just too vainglorious to the test. ( nah lhoo...apa coba ini? ) I need to reevaluate myself. One thing I know for sure is I'm curious and want to take the test for next year. Have A Nice Day, Pal!

In Good Mood

Friday, July 2, 2010, 11.23 pm Today is not my best day ever but not my worst ever too. Last few days I felt alone and not happy. If we compared this day with few days ago, it’s a better one. Now, let’s call it a so-so day because I felt happy for (only) 2 reasons. 1st is that I cut my hair short after I had a long one for a year. Although the cut result didn’t exactly look like what I was visualizing in 1st place, I satisfied. I wanted a finger layer cut. It is a model that will separate some of your back hair while front hair is layered. My hair is a kind of swelling one, so it didn’t turn out like what I saw in the magz because my hair keeps swelling. :D I can’t give the photo to the hair. It is forbidden. So, I just want to tell you that the hair cut gives me some good mood somehow. Having a new hair cut gives me a new energy and a fresh feeling for daily life whenever I need some. Back then, my mom used to take me to salon every grade in my elementary years. It continues since...


1st Post in this new blog. Never had a blog before, now I',m trying one. Usually I write on my notebooks. Many of it, because I'd like to write where ever I want. I'm trying to write more often forward. But, today I'm just gonna introduce myself. I'm a girl, so please don't call me bro. I'm a fussy girl, please don't mind that, maybe it's just an expression of myself for not keeping something that bothering me. Please be advised. :D That's why i called this page as FUSSYTHOUGHT. It's just me! I'm not gonna write anything about me. I want you, someone who reads this page, know me from my writings. It would be fair enough for me if somehow in sometime you judging me from what I write before. I'd like to apology with that if mistakes come. I like good books, delicious foods, great movies, and amazing story about life. And from now on, let me share mine. And today, I have ice cream in rain. People keep staring at me. LoL. Read Happily All...